SLB Landing Set 5 - 406

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Slam Bidding: Control Showing Bids (set 5 of 9)

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Slam Bidding: Control Showing Bids
When you are interested in slam, you can express this and show controls by using Control-Showing Cuebids. Make sure you and partner have good agreements of how to use these slam exploring tools.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 406.

SLB Landing Set 6 - 407

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Slam Bidding: Jacoby 2NT (set 6 of 9)

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Slam Bidding: Jacoby 2NT
Finding a large fit and at least enough values for game makes us interested in exploring slam. Jacoby 2NT allows us to do that while keeping the auction at a low level. This is a valuable tool for allowing us to re-evaluate our hand and explore slam. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 407.

SLB Landing Set 7 - 408

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Slam Bidding: Splinters (set 7 of 9)

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Slam Bidding: Splinters
Slams that can be made with fewer than the traditional number of HCP often require large fits, ruffing values, and well-located honor cards. A splinter bid by Responder communicates values, fit, and shortness all in one bid and allows Opener to re-evaluate their hand and determine if slam may be possible. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 408.

SLB Landing Set 8 - 409

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Slam Bidding: Splinters by Opener (set 8 of 9)

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Slam Bidding: Splinters by Opener
Shortness can be shown by the Opener, just as it is by the Responder. Here we look at how Open does this to explore for slam and help Responder re-evaluate their hand.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 409.

SLB Landing Set 9 - 410

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Slam Bidding: Other Slam Tools (set 9 of 9)

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Slam Bidding: Other Slam Tools
There are many other tools for exploring slam. Here we look at how to use some of these valuable and interesting tools. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 410.

OLB Landing Set 1 - 394

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Opening Lead Basics: Card Combinations (set 1 of 8)

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Opening Lead Basics: Card Combinations
Leading the proper card from your holding is important because it gives part a chance to work out what is going on and may allow them to find the proper way to defend the hand. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 394.

OLB Landing Set 2 - 395

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Opening Lead Basics: Rule of 11 (set 2 of 8)

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Opening Lead Basics: Rule of 11
When partner leads "4th best", we have a tool to help us visualize the layout of the suit around the table (and determining if Declarer has any higher cards). Here we look at how to make use of this Rule of 11. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 395.

OLB Landing Set 3 - 396

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Opening Lead Basics: Leads in Partner’s Suit (set 3 of 8)

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Opening Lead Basics: Leads in Partner’s Suit
When partner bids a suit then they often expect us to lead it (and it is often a good lead). Since this is something we are going to be doing often then it is important for us to have good agreements in these situation. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 396.

OLB Landing Set 4 - 397

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Opening Lead Basics: When to Lead Partner’s Suit (set 4 of 8)

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Opening Lead Basics: When to Lead Partner’s Suit
When partner bids a suit it is common for us to lead that suit. Here we look at times when we may choose to lead partner's suit and when we may choose to lead something else.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 397.

OLB Landing Set 5 - 398

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Opening Lead Basics: Power Leads (set 5 of 8)

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Opening Lead Basics: Power Leads
There are some holdings where partner has to make an unusual lead (and it may be difficult for you to work out exactly what they are doing). Here we look at how your agreements can help you best defend in these situations. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 398.

OLB Landing Set 6 - 399

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Opening Lead Basics: A/Q Attitude, K Count (set 6 of 8)

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Opening Lead Basics: A/Q Attitude, K Count
It is important to get the right information from partner to help you solve your problems on defense. Here we look at how our opening lead agreements on signaling can help. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 399.

OLB Landing Set 7 - 400

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Opening Lead Basics: Rule of 10/12 (set 7 of 8)

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Opening Lead Basics: Rule of 10/12
Some partnership choose to play 3rd and 5th best leads, especially against suit contracts. Here we look at how to deal with these methods. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 400.

OLB Landing Set 8 - 401

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Opening Lead Basics: Interpreting Partner’s Card (set 8 of 8)

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Opening Lead Basics: Interpreting Partner’s Card
One of the challenges to playing 3rd hand, especially to trick 1, is trying to understand your partner's holding for their opening lead. Here we look at how to interpret their card on opening lead. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 401.

NTP Landing Set 1 - 386

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Notrump Play: Taking Tricks (set 1 of 8)

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Notrump Play: Taking Tricks
Even when we have enough "top winners" to make our contract we can still fail. Transportation and the order we take our tricks are key. Make sure you make a plan. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 386.

NTP Landing Set 2 - 387

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Notrump Play: Developing Tricks (set 2 of 8)

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Notrump Play: Developing Tricks
Even when we have enough "top winners" to make our contract we can still fail. Transportation and the order we take our tricks are key. Make sure you make a plan. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 386.

NTP Landing Set 3 - 388

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Notrump Play: Finesses (set 3 of 8)

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Notrump Play: Finesses
There are a variety of ways to produce tricks by leading up to honors. Here we look at a large number of ways we can produce tricks by finessing.
You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 388.

NTP Landing Set 4 - 389

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Notrump Play: Making a Plan (set 4 of 8)

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Notrump Play: Making a Plan
One of the most important parts of playing a hand is stopping to make a plan at trick 1. Here we look at hands where we need to make a plan early and reconsider it throughout the play. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 389.

NTP Landing Set 5 - 390

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Notrump Play: Holdup Plays (set 5 of 8)

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Notrump Play: Holdup Plays
Taking your winner in a suit is usually a good thing to do. But when we have control of when to take it then "holding up" on our trick can help us cut communicate between the opponent's hands. Let's see how we can do this. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 390.

NTP Landing Set 6 - 391

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Notrump Play: Control of the Hand (set 6 of 8)

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Notrump Play: Control of the Hand
In NT, having control of each suit makes it safe to give up the lead. Lack of control creates danger. Here we look at how to balance control of the hand with our declarer play options. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 391.

NTP Landing Set 7 - 392

This Week in Bridge Practice Hands

Notrump Play: Transportation (set 7 of 8)

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Notrump Play: Transportation
Being able to move back and forth between your hand and the dummy is a key part of good declarer play. Here we look at how to manage our transportation in NT contracts. You (and your partners) can sign up for Robert Todd's This Week in Bridge (TWiB) lesson emails for free at This set accompanies TWiB 392.