Here we look at how to how to use artificial rebid structures in minor suit auctions to allow us to better communicate with partner.
(255) Responder's Unusual 2M Jump Shifts and NT Bids
(228) Preempt Keycard
(218) Advanced Bidding: Advanced Ogust
(217) Advanced Bidding: Spear
(216) Advanced Bidding: Transfer Rebids After 1H - 1S
(215) Advanced Bidding: Transfer Wolff Over 2NT Rebids
A jump rebid of 2NT by Opener, showing a balanced hand with 18-19 points, takes up a lot of bidding space and can put pressure on Responder to show their hand and keep the auction below 3NT. Here we look at a modern sophisticated approach to solving this problem - Wolff Signoff with Transfer Rebids!