S-CompLater — Webinars Library Collection — Adventures in Bridge Home Page


Important Competitive Bidding - Rebids after Takeout Double

Important Competitive Bidding - Rebids after Takeout Double

4/11/22 (64 min)

We frequently use a Takeout Double to compete in the bidding. But this often does not end the auction. There is often more bidding by the opponent's or by partner. Here we look at how to continue the bidding in these auctions to allow us to best make a cooperative decision with partner.

BUY - $15


Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS

Comp Bidding - Competing Later in the Bidding: Bid, X, or Pass?

Comp Bidding - Competing Later in the Bidding: Bid, X, or Pass?

11/8/21 (68 min)

​When we are battling the opponent's ​for the contract we are often faced with difficult choices in the bidding. Here we look at how we use each of our options (Bid, X, or Pass) in the direct seat and in the balancing seat.

BUY - $15


Webinar Notes

Webinar TWiBS